
Intuitive Eating: The Non-Diet Approach to Wellness

Intuitive Eating: The Non-Diet Approach to Wellness

I think we can all agree that dieting sucks. Dieting doesn’t lead to long term change; it instead leads to binge eating, cravings, and a whole lot of negative self talk. There is substantive research showing that dieting is a predictor is weight gain, not weight loss as the fitness industry would love for us to believe. In a society overcome with dieting propaganda, it’s difficult to know what course of action to take when trying to obtain long term wellness. The intuitive eating movement is attempting to overcome this dieting barrier to actually help people reach their ultimate health goals and maintain them.

Exercise Induced Hypoglycemia

Exercise Induced Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is the term used to describe a low blood glucose.  A blood glucose level below 70mg/dL is considered hypoglycemia, and often manifests as symptoms including:

  • Fatigue

  • Pale skin

  • Tremors

  • Irritability

  • Tingling Sensation Around the Mouth

  • Dizziness

  • Sweating